Lynx GIS Advisers

Madagascar - Lynx GIS Adviser

Updated November 2018 for the OMNIS 2018-2019 Licensing Round

The Madagascar GIS Adviser has been recently updated to identify new plays and leads within areas of currently open acreage.

This Adviser has been compiled by Lynx Information Systems and Fairway Exploration, using an Esri ArcGIS framework compatible with ArcGIS Desktop 10.x. The Adviser provides an extensive in-depth review of the exploration potential of each basin through paleofacies maps and sections, lithostratigraphic charts, source and maturity maps and the structural/tectonic framework. A comprehensive database of exploration wells drilled onshore and offshore in Madagascar includes formation tops, reservoirs and petroleum geochemistry.

The ArcGIS layers will also be made available for import to IHS Kingdom: Lynx will prepare data in Laborde and/or Geodetic (WGS84) as required.

The Madagascar GIS Adviser includes extensive seismic location data in the Morondava and Majunga Basins. Additional vectorised digital seismic data is available for customers with existing ownership rights.

Please contact us if you would like more information on the contents of the Madagascar GIS Adviser, or to arrange for a demo.